Buy Nothing Day

Nancy FlynnHistory Lessons, Musings, Political News, Writing

The Apostrophe Blog

Musings on Writing and Life.

Today no money changed hands as far as I was concerned. I did not drive. I did not order anything online. I did not even patronize local businesses—that was yesterday. What did I do? Wash clothes using laundry detergent purchased many moons ago. Activated the big-gun leaf blower we inherited from my son to begin the annual ritual spring cleaning up of the mess that is our outside universe here in Western Oregon. I raked. I swept. I picked up detritus. I filled the ubiquitous weekly green compost bin. I poured tiny new stones (harvested who the hell knows where in Mexico) in one of my clematis/potted herb zones along the Pennsylvania patio aka driveway. And while all this was happening in my tiny, easy, seemingly perfect Portland world, an American president and his odious so-called second-in-command disrespected a world leader who has been coping admirably and then some with the decimation of his nation by a nasty little thug. And the entire sane and empathetic world stood with Volodymyr Zelenskyy. After a stunning and beyond shameful dereliction of duty by the folks (so-called) in charge.

Tonight I am trying to understand how to be. How to exist in this moment. How to. How to. How to.

The public domain photo above—a bouquet with ribbon colors of the Ukraine flag—was taken by George Chernilevsky.

Nancy Flynn
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