Miss Scarlet makes it to finalist in a first book competition…

Nancy FlynnStream of Consciousness Archive, Writing, Writing Contests

a.k.a., yet again the bridesmaid, never the bride? Seriously, not at all a bad thing that my poetry manuscript, Miss Scarlet in the Library with a Rope, made it to finalist in the 2013 Crab Orchard Series in Poetry First Book Award. Judged anonymously and surviving to the bitter end out of a field of 600 submissions. I think that might be something.

This news came via a lovely and encouraging letter from the series editor, Jon Tribble, noting that many of their semifinalist and finalist manuscripts over the years have become published collections. So,  to quote Pat Solitano, Jr., in one of my favorite movies, I am going to take this as a Silver Lining Development!

The public domain image above is a bevy of bridesmaids from August 10, 1938 in Brisbane, Australia.


Nancy Flynn
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