Oregon Poetry Association Honorable Mention for a Prose Poem

Nancy FlynnApostrophe Blog Archive, Awards, Poetic Form

The Apostrophe Blog

Musings on Writing and Life.

My yet-unpublished prose poem, “Thresholds of More Oblivious Blossoming,” has received the First Honorable Mention in the Form/Prose Poem Category of the Oregon Poetry Association’s Fall 2024 Contest. The category judge, Rana Tahir, wrote the following note in the OPA awards announcement e-mail: “Judging this contest was extremely difficult because of the many wonderful poems submitted; I want to highlight the following poems that did amazing work with music, imagery, line, and subject matter” and then proceeded to award not only three honorable mentions but also to cite an additional seven! poems that were deemed worthy of a shout-out because of their quality. I feel lucky to be among such a stellar group.

Nancy Flynn
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