Big Smile Sunflowers

Nancy Flynn Gardening, Musings, Stream of Consciousness Archive

Whoever has the job of naming new hybrids of flowers got it right with this one. How can you not grin when you know you are going to have not one but two Big Smile sunflowers vying for sun along with the chard, pole beans, heirloom tomatoes, callas, zinnas, dahlias and perennial herbs down in the fenced-from-deer garden? From the Land of Smiles (Thailand) to Big Smile in our garden. I plant one — not a Big Smile, one of the pale yellow ones, the name has Lemon in it — in the giant pot next to the front door. Lucky Sunday finding such thriving sunnies when I went downtown to get bread and salad fixins’ at the baby co-op.

Nancy Flynn
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