Publication News: “Present Tense Love Poem”

Nancy Flynn Apostrophe Blog Archive, Publication News, Writing

The Apostrophe Blog

Musings on Writing and Life.

Over the years, a number of my poems were featured at riverbabble, a literary journal that unfortunately is no longer online. riverbabble was founded in Berkeley, California in 2002 by Pandemonium Press and published twice a year—once in June, the Bloom’s Day Issue, and once in January, the Winter Solstice Issue. Every month, the Press also curated a reading series at the Spice Monkey Restaurant in Oakland, California. Even though riverbabble is no more, I am assuming that it means these poems are still considered to be published and thus I can feature them on this site.

Below is my poem, “Present Tense Love Poem.” It appeared in riverbabble #27, the June 2015 issue.

Present Tense Love Poem

Fall going
and we part,
clamshells on the beach.

Now that I have you here
not there but here where it’s all
too easy to lose ourselves in the disappearing
light, the chores that fill the shortened
days as we limp past solstice, the throw
Molly brought us from Dublin, virgin wool
around our legs, an attempt
at snug on this couch where we stare
the double-paned
glass, its annotation of drip,
its incremental
now that I have you here, can’t we
but stay, breathing this beatified
in then out?
Measured and (for this
moment) pretending
we are bivalve,
buried in sand, protected
and everlastingly

The public domain photograph above is by Jon Sullivan.

Nancy Flynn
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