The Individuality of a Poetry Signature

Nancy Flynn Apostrophe Blog Archive, Wisdom, Writing

Is it, perhaps, the most famous cursive signature in American history? And, now that I think about it—and given all the other handwritten flourishes that graces the documents created by the so-called founding fathers—why was John Hancock the one who had his moniker celebrated above and beyond all the rest? The history books offer something of an explanation but who knows if it is even true

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Crafting a Poetry Aesthetic

Nancy Flynn Apostrophe Blog Archive, Wisdom, Writing

For many years, I have grounded my creative writing work in my singular poetry aesthetic. Below is the gist and pith of it. My poetry is an attempt to exhume moments of revelation along this journey of a constant becoming. I write as part of my attempt to seek (a temporary and temporal) understanding of the peripatetic instants of this life. Through poetry, I hope to explore, excavate, celebrate, and, at times, resurrect.  I want to cut to the chase, to the heart of the matter, even it means staring down grief and pain…

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Wisdom from a Poetry Mentor

Nancy Flynn Apostrophe Blog Archive, Poetic Form, Wisdom, Writing

I am a firm believer in the value of finding a poetry mentor, someone who will encourage and push you to the next necessary steps in finding your voice, in doing the creative work. When I first returned to writing poetry, way back in 2005 and 2006, I took a series of classes through an organization called Writers on the Net. I was incredibly lucky to stumble on an outstanding teacher, Bob Haynes and his courses, Daydreams I and Daydreams II. …

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