Publication News: “Remembering Gravity”

Nancy Flynn Apostrophe Blog Archive, Publication News, Writing

Here is another one of my old chestnuts I Publication News: “Remembering Gravity”

Here is another one of my old chestnuts, as I call them—ditties I wrote when I was just taking up the pen and paper again almost twenty years ago and trying to re-learn what makes a good poem. Looking at these oldies but goodies again now, in 2024, I can see I would write them very differently now!

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Publication News: “A Month of Sundays”

Nancy Flynn Apostrophe Blog Archive, Publication News, Writing

“A Month of Sundays” is a freewheeling, leaping, highly experimental poem that glories in sonics and sound. In it, I took the English names for every month of the calendar year, fractured them into syllables then refashioned them into the language used in a dozen quatrains, beginning and ending with the month of July. I remember it was fun to write

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Poems Can Also Be Short!

Nancy Flynn Apostrophe Blog Archive, Gardening, Poetic Form, Publication News, Writing, Writing Contests

My husband and I are avid gardeners. Every year, our community garden plot near the Woodlawn Elementary School is 400 square feet of asparagus, beets, carrots, delicata squash, leeks, peas, peppers, pole beans, potatoes, spinach, tomatoes, green and yellow wax bush beans, and some years even zucchini. Often we grow heirloom varieties…

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Publication News: “Evidence, Occurrence”

Nancy Flynn Apostrophe Blog Archive, Art Exhibit, Publication News, Writing

This ekphrastic, free-verse poem was inspired by Dianne Kornberg’s photographs of kelp from the University of Washington’s marine algae Herbarium in her exhibit “evidence of its occurrence” at the Elizabeth Leach Gallery, Portland, Oregon, 2005…

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