Issue No. 4 kerning | a space for words now out!

Nancy Flynn Apostrophe Blog Archive, Publication News, Writing

My poem, “Ernestine” is included in these fine pages. I wrote this poem for the late Sylvia Plath after I went to visit a memorial in Salem, Oregon in early 2023. The cremains of Ernestine Kottke Plath, Sylvia Plath’s grandmother, were in a canister marked #177 (out of a total of 3423) at the Oregon State Hospital from her death in 1919…

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Yellow Dahlia, Glass Beads

Nancy Flynn Apostrophe Blog Archive, Musings, Writing

White-gray afternoon, waning days of December, heading toward the end of 2023. Light rain for the next hour, tapering off to a slight drizzle. Every now and then, the wind stirs and the branches of the Japanese maple as well as the slowly bronzing leaves of snow-leaf hydrangea in our front yard garden have their turns at being riled up. At Leadbetter State Park, hiking on Tuesday…
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Book Report: W.E.B. Du Bois

Nancy Flynn Apostrophe Blog Archive, Arts & Culture, Book Report, History Lessons

The maple leaves were already falling in our backyard habitat when I decided it was time to read another big biography. This one is W.E.B. Du Bois: Biography of a Race 1868—1919 by David Levering Lewis. It won the Pulitzer Prize for Biography in 1994. And actually this volume is only Part 1 of this bio; Part 2 (another chubby tome) also won the Pulitzer Prize…

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Work-in-Progress: An “I Believe” Manifesto of Sorts

Nancy Flynn Apostrophe Blog Archive, Wisdom, Writing

I started to work on what’s below way back in the Stone Age, 2007. Some writing exercise that I just did without my usual scrutiny and questioning. I stumbled on it a year later on a Saturday morning while sipping coffee as we readied to start another outside gardening day. Looking at it again today, dateline December 2023, …

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Upon the Return/Slice of Heaven

Nancy Flynn Apostrophe Blog Archive, Gardening, Home, Musings

I wake to rain. I am on my hands and worthless knees. I pry and pare back twinflower leaves, free the groundcovers: kinnick-kinnick, thimbleberry, and native wintergreen. Dig and prune. Command the dahlias to grow aligned with their bamboo stakes. My fingernails are crescents of dirt. All I care is to breathe, hidden beneath the reach and lean of these tall, tall western Oregon trees. Last night in the rain, the emperor gong rang…

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Poetry Project: Miss Scarlet in the Library with a Rope

Nancy Flynn Apostrophe Blog Archive, Musings, Writing

A number of years ago—maybe eight or nine now! 2014?—I entertained myself greatly with a poetry book project I called Miss Scarlet in the Library with a Rope, a celebration of the wonder that is the book. This collection grew to become a gathering of poems whose predominant constraint is that they were all “prompted” by book titles from prose authors I had loved and read voraciously over the years

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