Silent Morning, Unbuttoned Thoughts Rattling Around

Nancy FlynnApostrophe Blog Archive, Musings, Stream of Consciousness Archive, Writing

Sometimes the questions get asked and asked and never find answers. Sometimes, time does its magical work and makes the asking of the questions less than urgent, even relevant. What is below was written a good while back. I would like to think I have made peace since then with some of this angst and churn. And age fifty now begins to seem like a long time (nearly two decades!) ago…

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Out the Window, Wednesday

Nancy FlynnApostrophe Blog Archive, Musings, Political News, Stream of Consciousness Archive, Wisdom

Out the window, Wednesday, there’s still life, flora and fauna, chittering nut hatches, bleating red-tailed squirrels. One of my cats sits at the base of a Doug fir, waiting, hoping, but the odds are against him, just like they are against me, too, in spite of all my pretending that I’ll figure it out, find the answer, we end up the same, dead in the end…

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