The Apostrophe Blog
Photo by Nycleed
Every now and then, you write a poem that you think will never find its true readers. Who wants to publish a persona meets ekphrastic poem about a now long-gone work of art? “The Great and Marvelous Sugar Baby Has (Not) Spoken” was one of those poems for me. Luckily, the women at Visitant, a new online journal for literary pilgrims, decided to publish it back in June 2016.
From the editors: “The act of writing in the digital age can seem to be fleeting as well as an act of faith. No scientist can predict the exact equation for your moments of creativity; you sit, you pace, you stare, you breathe, you paint, you type, you scream, you repeat, again and again, until you have created some thing. Your mind breeds schools and civilizations if you can have the faith to put your fingers to their instruments. Even in solitude, one is never alone; our clattering, beeping, swishing, noisy machines keep us company. Here at Visitant, we have created a space where you and your temporary visitors—your stories, your words—might rest, grow stronger, and be shared.”
The Domino Sugar factory where Kara Walker erected her astonishing sugar baby sculpture may be no more but the sugar baby herself gets to (still) have the last word…
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