When the art monster turns out to be someone beloved…

Nancy Flynn Apostrophe Blog Archive, Writing

Sometimes the secrets we keep in life we are able to quietly take to the grave. Other times there are secrets—perhaps buried, elided, squelched, ignored, dismissed, and discounted for decades—bubble back up to the surface, break through, causing a seismic wave especially when the secret-keeper is both beloved and well-known

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A fun alternative to the traditional author bio…

Nancy Flynn Apostrophe Blog Archive, Reading, Writing

Fence Magazine has accepted two of my poems for publication in Winter 2024. They eschew those (often boring, too often bragging) boilerplate author bios in favor of something entirely different and fun. Each author accepted for publication must submit a statement about what you have been reading recently and maybe a bit about why…

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Acceptance News: Fence

Nancy Flynn Apostrophe Blog Archive, Book Report, Publication News, Writing

Two of my poems, “On Not Looking Away: A Cento” and “At Harriet Tubman’s Grave in Fort Hill Cemetery in Auburn, New York,” have been accepted for publication in the Winter 2024 print edition of Fence. Per their website, “Fence is committed to publishing from the outside and the inside of established communities of writing, seeking always to interrogate, collaborate with, and bedevil all the systems that bring new writing to light.” You can read about their history here…

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RIP to Alice Munro, the GOAT of the Short Story

Nancy Flynn Apostrophe Blog Archive, Arts & Culture, Writing

The news just came over the wires—well, they are the bits and bytes, ones and zeroes, of the Internet these days I guess. Sometime last night, while I was winging my way back from a visit to my son in Burbank, California, Alice Munro, the Canadian Nobel prizewinning master of the short story, died in a Port Hope, Ontario care home after nearly 93 years of a long and interesting life. …

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