Not Dark Yet…

Nancy Flynn Apostrophe Blog Archive, Musings, Neighborhood, Writing

It’s nearly nine p.m., a July summer night. I’m sitting out in our garden on one of the new chairs that go with the new table where four can comfortably sit, even eat—en plein air entertaining finally and at long last. It’s actually quite nice to have a large enough table. I put hydrangea in a vase in the center and even with my sunset clutter—telephone, two magazines, a glass of white wine—there’s still plenty of room to breathe. Even my pink and orange oilcloth from Corvallis days fits. Maybe this will become my new summer writing room. Especially this time of day when the sun is nearly down and there’s no glare on the iBook screen

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Quotable Quotes: Bob Dylan on New Orleans

Nancy Flynn Apostrophe Blog Archive, Arts & Culture, Travel

This was printed in the International Herald Tribune in August 2005. It is taken from Bob Dylan’s book, Chronicles: Volume One, which I have read at least twice since I wrote this post.

“The first thing you notice about New Orleans are the burying grounds—the cemeteries – and they’re a cold proposition, one of the best things there are here….

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