Honoring the Masters: Sugar Mule’s Via Walt Whitman: a 21st Century Gathering

Nancy Flynn Apostrophe Blog Archive, Publication News, Writing

A while back now, Sugar Mule published one of my poems in their ongoing project called Via Walt Whitman: a 21st Century Gathering. It is an ode with one of those (hopefully necessary) long explanatory titles: “Ode to the Past & Present Wilt of the Daisy, Bellis perennis, Pressed in The Illustrated Leaves of Grass, a June 1973 Graduation Gift from L.” This poem later appeared in my chapbook, Eternity a Coal’s Throw, published by Burning River Press…

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Podcast Review: Legend, The Joni Mitchell Story

Nancy Flynn Apostrophe Blog Archive, Arts & Culture, Book Report, Music

How do you survive an Arctic snow and ice and blowing wind and wind chill event in the normally benign climate of the Pacific Northwest? By listening to the new, awesome podcast, Legend: The Joni Mitchell Story on BBC 4 radio who has done it once it again in the realm of musical explorations. I absolutely adore their series…

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(Saturday) Morning Morgantown

Nancy Flynn Arts & Culture, Music, Stream of Consciousness Archive

Joni Mitchell, vintage, the old stuff, stuff of my untoward youth, on the CD player, loud, so I can hear it over the water running in the shower I am about to take. I can sit here and think I’ve done nothing since waking but, in addition to writing in my morning pages book and on the blogs, I made and drank Illy coffee…

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