Marathon (Wo)man

Nancy FlynnStream of Consciousness Archive

I have spent an entire day, more or less, revising a single freaking poem. Okay, in my defense, it is one made up of multiple parts, one that attempts to tell a story, a narrative, in the persona of people in my coal mining hometown. In addition, I’ve had the gremlins that I am certain live inside the bowels of Microsoft Word erase styles, italics, epigraph fonts, etc. more than once this day of typing too many words. So more labor-intensive time sink there as well

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Back from Poetry Camp

Nancy FlynnStream of Consciousness Archive, Writing 1 Comment

I am just back from a week at the Port Townsend Writers’ Conference at Fort Worden, a Washington State Park and yes, where they filmed parts of An Officer and a Gentleman way back when…

Started in 1974—and attended by many writing rock stars, beginners who became writing rock stars, and humble beginners—…

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And so after a month of daily scribbling…

Nancy FlynnStream of Consciousness Archive, Wisdom, Writing

Since last fall, maybe early November, I’ve been drafting (mostly) a poem a day with time off for Thanksgiving…Every day in the short month of February, I posted my thoughts about the process, as well as excerpts from the daily poems, one-a-day like a creative vitamin…

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