Publication News: “How I Wasted My Life“

Nancy Flynn Apostrophe Blog Archive, Publication News, Writing

The Apostrophe Blog

Musings on Writing and Life.

Photo by Gunnar Ries

So many of us look back, take stock, try to evaluate just what we have spent our days on in the living of this life. This has been a fertile subject for poetry for ages as well. In Summer 2015, VoiceCatcher published my poem, “How I Wasted My Life“ in their online issue. It’s a response to the final line of James Wright’s much-anthologized poem, “Lying in a Hammock at William Duffy’s Farm in Pine Island, Minnesota” —: “I have wasted my life.” It is now the final poem in my newest poetry manuscript, Learning to See, too.

The photograph above by is of rock salt production at Katwe Salt Lake in Uganda. I feel like it perfectly captures the final line of my poem: Under a vast sky, split.

How I Wasted My Life

One leaf caught
In the fishing line that holds
The bird feeder high
Above a high-wired red squirrel’s reach.

Two webs laced in morning
Bright out the mudroom door.

Whiff of grass in the midst of
Mowing and cloud’s cover returned.

Rain: vertical, horizontal, three-dimensional, wet.

A silver balloon and its lift
Past the window-box geranium pink against
Blackening green, the leaves, this brood-gray light.

One more alder leaf caught in one more
Web spinning,
Rain meets wind then
Hail falls.
All hail,
Late afternoon

After downpour,
Sun and the drops on the screen,
How they crystal, refract sublime.

All this becoming so late —
Too late? No, everlasting

Now — the only-ever
Truth. I am
Wandering, home by dusk.

Under a vast sky, split.

Nancy Flynn
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