Community Art Project: Alley Garage Mural!

Nancy Flynn Apostrophe Blog Archive, Arts & Culture, Neighborhood

In July 2021, during the ongoing days of the COVID nightmare, a group of us, under the direction of artist extraordinaire Jenny Joyce painted a mural on the side of our garage that faces the alley. I had seen and admired one a few blocks away in the alley that leads to the chickens all of us were so happy to feed during the early days of the pandemic. …

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Nancy’s Virtual Vacation Post #1

Nancy Flynn Arts & Culture, Neighborhood, Stream of Consciousness Archive

I feel like Richard, Ronna, and John in DC are all getting one up on me re: this virtual summer holiday so I thought I’d better come up with something of my own to offer/throw into the mix. Let’s see. What did I do on my summer vacation?…

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