My syllabics poem, “The Green Love of the Progress to This Now and” has been published in Thriving An Anthology from Exolutas Press. The publisher, Rhonda Rosenheck, chose the topic and has collected poems that explore thriving in all its glory and forms, often in the aftermath of grave challenges…
Publication News: Poeming Pigeon: In the News
After the shock of the November 2016 presidential election in the United States, things got very real very fast. The following year it often felt like the rat-a-tat of explosions perhaps even rapid gunfire—the cruel and verging-on-fascists nonsense that the administration started to spew. It was hard not to have the edginess of politics creep into the writing of poems
Acceptance News: Thriving Anthology
This afternoon, I learned that two of my poems, “Stoned Soul Picnic” and “The Green Love of the Progress to This Now and,” have been accepted for publication in Thriving, an anthology forthcoming from Exsolutas Press in 2024. According to its website, Exsolutas Press was founded to publish books “that pry open dead questions and give birth to new ones…