These stanzas spoke to me this morning. Thanks to Coleman Barks for his wonderful translation as always: “But don’t be satisfied with stories, how things …
I’m supposed to be searching for some epiphany I can write about in the style of early James Joyce. But instead, today has been yawning. A drive to/from foggy Newport on the Pacific Ocean to retrieve a mattress and a television set from an outdoor patio…
No Direction Home: Bob Dylan on PBS
Watching Part II of the excellent, fascinating Martin Scorcese documentary, No Direction Home, about Bob Dylan. The first thing: Dylan’s speaking voice is ordinary, pedestrian, the guy down the street, a regular fellow, tinge of Iron Range Minnesota…
You Can Go Home Again
I’m finally back in western Oregon after nearly three weeks in the Northeast, visiting with family in northeastern Pennsylvania; two nights and three days up …
Disaster Preparedness?
Sunset here on the fault line that could lead to an earthquake any second any day here in the Coast Range of western Oregon. Maybe because of the acreage, the well, the short bike ride or even walk into town, but I feel safe here…
Cut and Come Again Zinnias
Just went into the garden to harvest the latest bumper crop of zinnias for the kitchen table — this has been their banner year. The radio station that usually plays Randi Rhodes and Air America has been pre-empted in favor of a Seattle Mariners baseball game, OK….
It’s Never Easy
Dateline July 2005—
Who was I reading recently who said life is hard enough even when you have everything going for you and your life is happy and easy?…
Travel Diary: Bronze, Blues, and Brews
Rocking steady blues at a music festival held in a park on the edge of a river in the isolated, interesting town of Joseph, Oregon, in the Wallowa Mountains, not far from the Idaho border. We are friends with the music coordinator so we have backstage passes…
Poetry: Rumi for an August Tuesday
Dateline Summer 2005— Apropos after close to three weeks of having house guests and one more planned: The Guest House This being human is a …
Coast Range Winds
Photo by Dave Croker The weather changes with the setting of the sun here, in this outpost of cloud/sky/tall tree/mud that was once the ocean …