City Days, City Scenes

Nancy Flynn Art Exhibit, Neighborhood, Stream of Consciousness Archive 1 Comment

I really feel (finally) like I live in a city this past week. This in spite of just coming in from digging out spreading day lilies from the clayey mud that our side garden turned into after yesterday’s rain. This in spite of working in a garden that is more like being in the woods what with its abundance of ferns and shade and the canopy of three giant big leaf maple trees. No, it’s more from a sense of ease with which we’ve been able to be out and about doing this and that of late. Breakfast and dinner with friends who were in the city for a few nights. Easy to get to the hospital for a quick visit with a friend who had surgery this week. Easy to get to coffee dates, lunch out, and a new Sunday farmer’s market barely one mile from our house. Civilization meets the civilized, urban life. We can walk to most everything we need and want. The New York Times travel section raved about the frugal ethic—and the fabulous food carts—of Portland last week. Great to have landed here. Life is good.

This weekend is the Alberta Art Hop. I’m a volunteer doing something to help get the various marchers ready to be in the afternoon parade. Then likely clean-up afterwards when it’s time to open up Alberta Street to cars again. It was fun last year and I expect it to be fun again. We’re actually supposed to have…heat and sun for the weekend. A rare event in these parts.

The public domain photograph above is of food carts in downtown Portland, Oregon.

Nancy Flynn
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