We took our time today. I woke late. Ate lunch instead of breakfast. Before we headed off in separate, no-map-needed directions on errands: John to the cantina, the Billa supermercato, the ufficio postale while I ventured to the libreriaa.k.a. bookstore to score one of the fairly hot-off-the-presses Molskine guides …
Rain Falling on a Venetian Canal
John’s been having so much fun documenting the first days of our holiday in Venezia that I thought I’d join in and add some daily posts of my own. This morning is the first day we’ve had rain, and cooler temperatures after an absolutely stunning Sunday of spring warmth…
Off to Venezia!
We’re about to take a Radio Cab to the airport and start our long journey to Venice, Italy. This vegetable and fruit boat is just down the street — well rather, canal — from our apartment. Address is 2817 Dorsoduro,…
Today’s Baby Goal…
Today’s baby goal was to spend some time reflecting and synthesizing just what, really, is bugging me about the way I feel I’ve disengaged with my writing and the daily writing practice. Below is an updated artist’s prayer to…
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guide me through the next phase
Vernal Equinox 2008
Brooding clouds drifting over the roof of our new house, passing, passing, and then a downpour that shakes the leaves of the purple blooming azalea, that make even greener the foliage of the hydrangea not yet in bud…
An Addled Brain
I’m not sure if I can attribute it to being too fond of books, as the Lainie’s Lady sent to me from Brisbane, Australia, by a friend says, quoting Louisa May Alcott, but today my brain has been addled by sickness and general aching malaise…
Watching the Day Fade
Another day unfolds in my city life as I reclaim my order and my time after returning from a long, icy trip back east. This is the first day I’ve actually noticed, taken note of just how long the light actually hangs around now that we’ve had almost a week of the clocks sprung ahead….
I was surprised to hear and see that it was raining tonight. OK, it’s only March and this is the Pacific Northwest. But somehow all the blooming, the bulbs up and showy, the fruit trees, the camellias and almost the rhododendrons, had convinced me that winter was over which means sun instead of rain.
’Til Tuesday
Today I finally unpacked my fountain pen collection. I also hung a dream catcher that my old boss at Cornell gave me when I left my job there in 1998. Since then, it had been hanging in my writing room window, …
That Wonderful Smell of Baking Solved?
It started as a single event. One day I went outside and the air in our neighborhood here in Northeast Portland was filled with the wonderful smell of baking! At first, I assumed someone in the neighborhood wasn’t as calorie-phobic as I am and had decided to make a batch of cookies or pastries or donuts. Then I smelled it a second time. And a third…