Nancy’s Virtual Vacation Post #1

Nancy FlynnArts & Culture, Neighborhood, Stream of Consciousness Archive

I feel like Richard, Ronna, and John in DC are all getting one up on me re: this virtual summer holiday so I thought I’d better come up with something of my own to offer/throw into the mix. Let’s see. What did I do on my summer vacation?…

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It’s a Small World After All

Nancy FlynnNeighborhood, Stream of Consciousness Archive

Over the past few hot, holiday days, we’ve also heard “Pop! Goes the Weasel” and “You Are My Sunshine”—competing ice cream vendors, who knows? This is life in the city, post-Baghdad on the Columbia 4th of July festivities around the corner and down the street. It’s been an enlightening number of days

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That Wonderful Smell of Baking Solved?

Nancy FlynnApostrophe Blog Archive, Musings, Neighborhood, Writing

It started as a single event. One day I went outside and the air in our neighborhood here in Northeast Portland was filled with the wonderful smell of baking! At first, I assumed someone in the neighborhood wasn’t as calorie-phobic as I am and had decided to make a batch of cookies or pastries or donuts. Then I smelled it a second time. And a third…

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